DS-STA30 (Ref.)

DS-STA30 (CODE128)

DSPIAE ST-A3.0 Single Blade Nipper

DSPIAE ST-A3.0 Single Blade Nipper

DSPIAE ST-A3.0 Single Blade Nipper
DSPIAE ST-A3.0 Single Blade Nipper
+40 Puntos
21.00% IVA incluido
Peso: 300 gramos

The ST-A3.0 nippers utilize a single-bladed design that elevates the ability of a nipper to cut plastic smoothly and efficiently. The nipper is produced using specially forged steel that ahs undergone high-temp melting, allowing the Rockwell hardness of the blade to reach a rating of 58-64. The blade of the 3.0s is then carfeully polished, creating a beautiful mirror-like surface that enchances the smoothness of the cut and improves the comfor of use.

  • The blade has been tested to withstand more than 30,000 custs of a 3mm plastic rod.
  • The handle of the nipper has an ergonomics design, reducing stree on the hand and improving comfort
  • To avoid damaging by excessive force it has been implemented a stopper.

It includes

  • 1x Single Blade Nipper
  • 1x Protector for the nipper head
  • 1x Limit regulator
  • 1x Cleaning cloth



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