GP-GR-RE1 (Ref.)

GP-GR (EAN-13)


Easy and clean plastic model gate processing!

Surface treatment with gate processing and support material is completed with a special tempered glass polishing tool that does not damage parts!

Estado: NUEVOÚLTIMAS UNIDADES EN STOCK  (1) Entrega 24/48 h
+30 Puntos
21.00% IVA incluido

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Peso: 100 gramos

The name RASER is derived from combining the two words GATE + ERASER. It's a revolutionary sanding tool that cleanly removes gate(nub marks) without scratches.

Celebrating the two year anniversary, we have renamed it to RASER ORIGIN with a newly designed case.

Experience the new way of removing gate(nub marks) without any stress.






  • Specialized tool for nub mark removal with Super-Nano Technology
  • Leaves no scratches, which shortens sanding process
  • Convenient use on the narrow surface and small parts
  • Highly durable structure enables semi-permanent use
  • Handcrafted smooth edge processing makes it safe and easy to use by users of all ages
  • The reusable storage case is convenient for keeping various tools
RASER Series

More advanced than ever, Super-Nano technology is highly manufactured with precision and is far sharper than its predecessor. The sanding force of RASER ORIGIN is equivalent to 400 grit but leaves no scratches on the surface.

When sanding with a typical glass file, it can scratch the surface with its edge if the sanding angle is off-balanced.

However, RASER series are engineered with handcrafted soft edges to overcome such issues and it goes through a strict QA process to ensure easy and safe use by any users from novice to expert


RASER series VS Typical Glass File

RASER series have a handcrafted rounded finish by smoothing out the sharp edges. It cleanly removes the gate-marks without damaging the surface even when the sanding angle is off-balanced.

Typical glass files have machine-finished edges. However, they are still sharp enough to damage the surface when the sanding angle is off-balanced.


Perfect Solution

After removing the gate-mark using the RASER, the part’s surface can be polished in different levels of glossiness using the BALANCER and RECOVER. The combination of these three products achieves complete gate mark removal and surface processing.

Safely Store

The high-quality package of RASER ORIGIN is an excellent tool storage case that will last long. Remove the foam inside the case and safely store and organize your valuable tools.



  • Residues stuck on the RASER ORIGIN surface can decrease performance. After use, wipe with water or masking tape to remove any residue. If cleaning with water, dry completely before using.

  • RASER ORIGIN made of tempered glass will not break during normal use. However, it may be damaged by external impact or falling. Always store in the storage case when not in use.

  • RASER ORIGIN is only used for plastics.


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